Into The Liminal
Liminal Conversations
✦ Conversation about Surrender with Anansi

✦ Conversation about Surrender with Anansi


There is a way that the Universe wants to unfold. Surrender is about paying attention to the unfolding that is happening right here right now and trusting that it is good.

- Anansi


0:50 What is surrender?
15:50 Anansi’s experience with One Will
20:50 Resistance to surrender
28:45 Allowing things
34:40 How to surrender?
42:08 Life force aka The Pull
53:13 Aliveness as the gift of surrender
1:02:50 Life as a spiritual teacher

My journey with the concept of surrender started in July 2023 and the quote I read in Michael Singer’s Surrender Experiment:

What would happen if we respected the flow of life and used our free will to participate in what’s unfolding, instead of fighting it?

I was in the peak of a life transition having just recently quit my job and this question fit perfectly into my pre-existing intentions to plan less, listen to what wants to happen, and follow my aliveness.

The same week I met with Anansi, who not only read the same book but was also in the second year trying to walk the path of surrender in his life.

And boy, did it take him to weird and unexpected places.

In this conversation, Anansi and I explore our relationship to the word surrender, exchange our experiences of surrender, and explore how it connects to agency, life force, and aliveness. We also laugh a lot and make a few inappropriate jokes!

Anansi is committed to spreading mystery and dopeness and you can follow his journey and explore his art on X @s0uldirect0r or Youtube.

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Into The Liminal
Liminal Conversations
Conversations with some of my favorite humans about topics at the edge of my thinking.