Into The Liminal
Liminal Conversations
Conversation about Logos with John Salvatier

Conversation about Logos with John Salvatier

Logos is a quality. I think it’s most obvious when somebody introduces an idea into a conversation that has a lot of resonance. When you finally name something and you’re like “Oh yeah, that’s it!” and it changes the whole conversation.

- John Salvatier

Etymology of Logos from etymonline

"the divine Word, second person of the Christian Trinity," from Greek logos "word, speech, statement, discourse," also "a computation, account," also "reason, judgment, understanding”.

I first heard about the word Logos from a soulmaking dharma talk by Catherine McGee and Rob Burbea, where they mapped out a fascinating dynamic between three qualities:

  • Eros (desire)

  • Psyche (object of desire)

  • Logos (the conceptual/ relational holding space)

In this conversation, I explore the concept of Logos with my partner John (@johnsalvatier). He’s most known through his explorations of reality (Reality has a surprising amount of detail) and these days he’s exploring the idea of ambitious naturalism - how to ambitiously be one with the Universe.

We recorded this conversation in our room with open windows so occasionally you might hear car sounds. I enjoyed this chat so much that still felt worth publishing :)

0:00 - Why are we interested in Logos?
07:30 - What is Logos
19:20 - Connection between Logos and Space  
24:30 - Hearty Logos 
28:00 - How are we doing in this conversation?
44:30 - Inner Logos and Outer Logos
55:10 - John trying a Logos exercise on Sandra 
01:21:00 - Logos as an ideal 
01:34:00 - Logos and AI

Cover image by Luis Felipe Alburquerque Briganti from Pexels
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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Into The Liminal
Liminal Conversations
Conversations with some of my favorite humans about topics at the edge of my thinking.