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This made me think of the pre/trans fallacy! Post- is different from pre-, even if you seem to move "back" to the pre- state. In this case, moving towards a "natural", non-coercive state after a period in a coercive/systemic state can make it seem like the coercive/systemic period was a mistake.

I've spent a lot of time disparaging my christian upbringing, focusing on the harm and issues I've needed to unlearn. I've recently started considering the good things I've picked up - inhibitory reflex to deal with internet addiction, a liking of living according to virtue, etc.

I think the same might go here! What gifts have you picked up from the time you spent in doing mode? Are there traits, skills or inclinations that can be reforged into something beautiful?

Maybe this is the path to build planes in a human way.

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